Remembering women in need

Hello from India! As I write this, I’m here with our Operation Eyesight team in Hyderabad, where we’re meeting with eye care experts at the LV Prasad Eye Institute. You may know Hyderabad as the place where many Bollywood films are created. In fact, it was a wealthy filmmaker (LV Prasad) who supplied the land… Continue reading Remembering women in need

A smile worth seeing

Imagine losing your sight. It’s a highly emotional experience, even if the blindness is not trauma-related. With your vision gradually declining due to cataracts or other eye conditions, you’d feel sorrow, uncertainty and anxiety about the future. You’d naturally be apprehensive about eye surgery, yet eager for the possibility to be able to see again.… Continue reading A smile worth seeing

Free training transforms a young woman’s life

Imagine growing up in a slum where your family sleeps in a cramped hut and can barely afford to eat. Now imagine rising out of that poverty and becoming a respected medical professional in the community. That’s the story of Mabbula Liviza. I met Mabbula earlier this year while in Hyderabad, where I visited the… Continue reading Free training transforms a young woman’s life

Ongata Naado – a village transformed (Part 2 of 2)

Last week I wrote about this village in Kenya, and how the Maasai people suffered from the agonizing trachoma disease, largely due to lack of water. After Operation Eyesight drilled a water borehole in 2007, everything began changing for these people. The difference between my first visit to Ongata Naado in 2006 (before the well… Continue reading Ongata Naado – a village transformed (Part 2 of 2)