“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step,” wrote Chinese philosopher Lao-tzu. That famous saying has rang true for a 10-year old Indian girl named Tabseratun. Tabseratun recently made the longest trip of her life when she and her parents journeyed to Thakur Sitaram Seva Kendra Eye Hospital (TSSK), an Operation Eyesight… Continue reading After 10 years of blindness, a child can finally see!
Tag: Thakur Sitaram
Depending on a child’s eyes: not so idyllic
The expression, “Seeing the world through a child’s eyes,” is generally imagined to be an idyllic state. However, what if you had to rely on your 10-year-old son to be your “eyes” because you can’t see? That’s exactly what happened to Asrofi, a 50-year old mother who lives in a tiny village about 100 kilometres… Continue reading Depending on a child’s eyes: not so idyllic