Amita lived the typical life of a young woman in Tokha Saraswati village in Nepal. Married at the age of 19, she kept busy taking care of her family. She had dreams of a rewarding career serving her community as a nurse, but her family couldn’t afford for her to go to school.
The opportunity to become a community health worker gave Amita the fulfillment she always wanted. She is so happy that it allows her to help people in her community. She’s educated people to understand that superstitions do not affect health issues.
Also, she’s helped them learn what they need to do to look after their own eye health. She has become a respected expert in the area where she lives.
“Now whenever people have problems with their eyes, they come to me for a solution,” she says proudly.
Your generous support provides training and fulfilling opportunities for women to make a huge difference in their communities! Thank you!