India: Our work during COVID-19

Updates from our country manager, Anup Zimba May 25, 2020 Our total impact to date as of May 25th, 2020  8 067 hygiene kits have been distributed to vulnerable and marginalized families. 39 080 individuals have been reached through health education. 91 community health workers have been trained on COVID-19 detection and prevention measures. May… Continue reading India: Our work during COVID-19

World Sight Day with Operation Eyesight

On World Sight Day, Operation Eyesight put Vision First around the world. Below is just a few of the things we took part in. Everything that we do is thanks to our amazing donors! Vision First for surgery patients in Ghana We celebrated in Ghana by literally putting Vision First! Our partner hospital, Watborg Eye… Continue reading World Sight Day with Operation Eyesight

Aly’s emotional journey begins

For most of us, leaving our comfort zone is something we like to avoid. But for Aly, our President and CEO, getting uncomfortable is something he looks forward to in the weeks to come. During September, Aly will be visiting our project countries to meet with our international team and participate in 30 days of… Continue reading Aly’s emotional journey begins

2017 Was An Exciting Year For South Asia, Thanks To You!

India had an exciting year! Thanks to our donors and partners we screened more than two million people who were at risk of losing their sight. Declaring villages avoidable blindness-free is the pinnacle of our work. We’re ecstatic to say that we declared our 500th village free of avoidable blindness in 2017. With the help… Continue reading 2017 Was An Exciting Year For South Asia, Thanks To You!