Usha is a 45-year-old woman who lives in the state of Bihar, India. Unfortunately, Usha was widowed at a young age when her husband died suddenly. She now lives with her two sons and daughter, and she’s worked tirelessly to sustain her family on her own.
As a single mother, Usha felt very alone. She missed her husband, and had no extended family to help her raise her children and provide for them at the same time. Without anyone to help support her, life was very hard.
It seemed that things couldn’t get any worse, but two years ago, Usha started having trouble seeing. With life already as difficult as it was, the gradual loss of her vision was her worst nightmare come true.
“I didn’t know what to do! I didn’t know what was happening to me, and I had nowhere to go. I needed money to support my family, and I couldn’t afford treatment for myself. I was so afraid.”
Usha valiantly struggled to continue looking after her family , but nothing was easy anymore. She knew things were especially bad when she was unable to distinguish sugar from salt.
“I feared my children would starve!”
Just when Usha had lost all hope, a miracle occurred. A community health worker came to her home! The health worker immediately identified Usha’s problem as cataract in both eyes, and Usha was referred to a hospital for a surgery FREE OF COST to her and her family!
Usha agreed to the surgery and her sight was restored! Thanks to the incredible support of our donors, her life has turned completely around. Today, she’s confident again and able to manage her household and provide for her children.
“Thank you so much to the hospital and to the people of Canada who gave me back my sight. Now I can tell the difference between salt and sugar again!” she says with her smile restored.
There are many women like Usha who have families to care for and need your help. You can help them by giving the gift of cataract surgery today! And as always, thank you for all that you do… For All the World to See!