Dr. Santosh Moses joined Operation Eyesight as our Programme Manager for India in 2005. Today, he’s our Regional Manager for south Asia. We admire Santosh’s knowledge, energy and expertise, and wanted to share with you what he does.
Q: How do you see your role in contributing to the elimination of avoidable blindness?
A: As the leader of an incredible team, we’re making a significant impact on avoidable blindness in the regions we work. I’m looking forward to taking our model to more regions where eye care services are limited and the suffering is immense.
Q: How does your master’s degree in hospital and healthcare management influence your view of our work?
A: My master’s degree, coupled with my degree in medicine, has helped me understand the clinical and managerial issues faced by our hospital partners and the doctors and staff that lead and manage these hospitals and programs.
Q: What do you enjoy most about working for Operation Eyesight?
A: Every day brings new challenges and opportunities. It’s exciting to partner with more than 100 eye hospitals in south Asia. I’m thankful that we have been able to make a difference in the lives of over three million people each year!
Q: Can you share a favourite or impactful memory of your time with us?
A: In 2005, I visited the barren land where a partner hospital we helped build now stands. Since then, this hospital has screened over a million people. Over 100,000 people have received eye surgeries there. I visited the hospital recently, and it was beautiful to be reminded how far we’ve come. Millions of lives are being changed through the kindness of our donors!
Q: What are some challenges India faces for eye health care?
A: The geography is vast, and there’s a lack of accessibility to quality eye care. There’s also a shortage of trained eye care professionals to a billion people. We have over 300 projects running in India alone!
We hope you enjoyed this interview! Thanks to you, our teams are making a difference in the communities they work in. With your continued support, you have made it possible to give the Gift of Sight to so many in need. It’s possible… With your help, one day we WILL eliminate avoidable blindness once and for all!