As an organization that works with people who lack ready access to eye health care or education, Operation Eyesight feels strongly about eye health and safety.
We’re motivated by the fact that many eye health issues occur because of a lack of knowledge. That’s a big issue in remote parts of Africa and Asia where eye specialists and eye health educators are scarce. But here in Canada where I live, even though we’re well-served in the areas of optometry and ophthalmology, we still need to think about our own eye health.
Because October is Eye Injury Prevention month, we thought the timing was perfect to talk about some of the most common eye injuries to avoid.
One of the most common? Digital eye strain.
In today’s world of technology, many of us spend hours each day staring at a computer or a smart phone screen. What we might not realize is that this causes tremendous eye strain. Watch for headaches, blurred vision, double vision, excessive tearing or dry eyes, and other symptoms.
It’s probably time to give your eyes a break from the screen! Have you heard of the 20-20-20 Rule? Every 20 minutes, take a 20 second break and focus your eyes on something at least 20 feet away. This practice can help relieve some of the symptoms of digital eye strain.
The next most common? Cosmetic contact lenses.
Another eye injury type to avoid this month is from cosmetic contact lenses, which are especially popular for Halloween. If coloured lenses are not fitted, used or cared for correctly, they can lead to severe consequences, including vision loss. It’s important to see a licensed eye care professional to have your lenses fitted properly. It can also help to use hypoallergenic make-up and avoid sharp or pointed costume props near the eyes.
These are some important aspects of eye health and safety to consider this month and always. As we continue to support people in Asia and Africa who are threatened by blindness and low vision, we can’t forget that our own eyes need care as well. Book your check up today!
This October, you can support people living with avoidable blindness and low vision by donating through our Gift Guide. No donation is too small. Your support will help children, women and men see a brighter future! As always, thank you for all that you do – For All The World To See.