All for one, and one for all!

Written by Admin, published on September 19, 2017 Donate Today
Siroti in the tea garden on a typical day at work.

Siroti is a 60-year-old woman who lives in a village in West Bengal, India. She lives with her husband and their extended family.

She works as a daily wage worker in a nearby tea garden, where her husband is a daily wage labourer and her son works as a carpenter. Together as a family they could afford most things they needed, and they were living a happy life.

Then one day, Siroti started to have blurred vision in both her eyes. She had no idea what was happening. After some time, she was unable to see things in the distance, and her vision was only getting worse.

Siroti began to fear for herself. “I could barely see. What would I do if I went blind and lost my job?” She worried that she would eventually become a burden to her family.

Her family also felt helpless. They had no idea how to help Siroti, and they started to fear for her as well.

But then a wonderful thing happened – Siroti’s home was visited by an Operation Eyesight-trained community health worker (CHW). It didn’t take long for the CHW to diagnose Siroti with bilateral cataract. After some counseling about cataracts and the required treatment, she was still worried about the cost.

Now Siroti can see again! And she is happy to be back at work!

“Not even as a family could we afford the cost of my treatment. I was so afraid that I would go blind!”


But the CHW assured her that the treatment would be free! And all thanks to the incredible generosity of people like you!

This news was like a dream come true to Siroti! And when she discussed undergoing treatment with her family, they were so happy that they lent her their wholehearted support!

Siroti (left) and two of her family members standing together. They are so grateful for the help she received!

Today, after her successful surgery, Siroti can see again, and she can continue her work in the tea garden.

“Thank you to everyone who thought of me and made this possible!” she says gratefully. “Thank you to the hospital and the generous people in Canada who helped me!”

There are other women like Siroti who work hard, but who need our help. Donate to our cataract surgery program today to give the gift of sight to other women like Siroti – For All The World To See!