Tomorrow, we in Canada and many other countries around the world observe Remembrance Day. It is an important memorial, as we look back on the valiant sacrifices made by our many brave veterans.
Remembrance is a powerful theme at Operation Eyesight. We look back and have much to honour. We remember Art Jenkyns, our founder, who made Operation Eyesight his life’s work, and in doing so saved and restored the sight of many millions. Art worked tirelessly to promote Operation Eyesight, and we still frequently receive messages and notes from donors who remember meeting him.
We also remember Dr. Ben Gullison, our inspiration. It was his plea for funding to help the many needlessly blind that launched “The Ben Gullison Club” that would become Operation Eyesight. It was his small hospital in Sompeta, India that became Arogyavaram Eye Hospital, which today has become self-sustaining and provides services such as eye exams, cataract surgeries and much more. And it is his guiding philosophy of “The best for the poorest” that we still strive to achieve.
If we remember these remarkable men, we must also remember the people who made – and continue to make! – their missions possible, our donors. Because of your support, we have done so much since 1963. Everything we have accomplished, from Arogyavaram Eye Hospital to the new Operation Eyesight Universal Institute for Eye Cancer, is thanks to you. We could not do it without you selfless generosity. We can’t say it enough; we love our donors! Thank you!
We also remember how far we’ve come. When Operation Eyesight began, mass cataract surgeries were the main model of restoring sight to people in need, and while this process did restore vision to many, it relied on a constant flow of money, medical equipment and staff from developed countries.
Today, Operation Eyesight has embraced an innovative model of Community Eye Health to create permanent eye health facilities t
hat will be financially self-sustaining. Through this model, we can truly eliminate avoidable blindness, and we are doing just that!
Do you want to help us in our mission? You can. The easiest way is to give is the gift of eyeglasses. A $20 gift in our Gift Guide can restore vision to up to three people who could not otherwise afford brand new, custom-fitted, sight-restoring prescription eyeglasses. By giving this gift, you’ll help transform the lives of people in India and Africa!