This week is Valentine’s Day – a traditional time to tell people how much we care for them. Today, we want to tell our donors how much their support means to us, and to those whom we serve!
At Operation Eyesight, we care a great deal for the people who support our mission of preventing avoidable blindness. Many have been dropping by the office or sending us cheques for years. They may have told a friend or family member about us, and they in turn have learned about our work and made their own funding commitments to us.
By choosing to make a gift to Operation Eyesight, our generous donors have extended their hearts and minds to people on the other side of the world – people they care about, but will probably never meet. Our patients understand that their eyesight was restored because someone far away made a donation to us. When they say thank you to our staff, often with great emotion, they’re really saying it to you.