Two-year-old Logar and his family live in the remote village of Moili in northwestern India.

Little Logar was born blind with congenital cataracts, likely due to a combination of malnutrition and poverty. He couldn’t play with other children and would be unable to go to school or work in the future. There wasn’t much of a future for this little fellow.
Tragically, Logar’s father and aunt are also blind as a result of congenital cataracts and are afraid to have surgery. His mother Dhulki and grandfather work hard to support the family, but they still live in extreme poverty.
While his father and aunt accept their choice to remain in darkness, Logar’s mother and grandfather weren’t prepared to accept that fate for the youngster. His grandfather heard about medical help available at Operation Eyesight’s hospital-based community eye health program, located at nearby Ogna clinic.
Since Logar required specialized pediatric surgery, the family made the long 90-km journey to Alakh Nayan Mandir Eye Institute for cataract surgeries. The hospital, funded by Operation Eyesight’s generous donors, is an advanced secondary care centre that serves the underprivileged people of the region.
Dhulki is thrilled with the results of her son’s surgeries. “Before the operations, Logar used to fall; but now that he can see, he can walk alone,” she explains. “He has started to play with his friends.”
This formerly blind toddler will be ready to go to school in a few years. Thanks to our donors, his future is bright!
Did you know? Almost 65 percent of the people in Logar’s region of India live below the poverty line.