A few weeks ago, I wrote about grandchildren from my and my wife Margot’s points of view (we’re known to our grandchildren as Nana and Papa). Here are some other terms for grandparents:
I note that the United Nations’ International Day of Older Persons is coming up in a few weeks, which is a great time to think of the issues that seniors face, but also the contributions they make in all kinds of ways. At Operation Eyesight, we believe that everyone has something to contribute, young or old, rich or poor.
We have some great photos in our collection – people we have met in India and Africa. We hope you’ll enjoy these pictures of some of the older people who live in the places where Operation Eyesight is at work.
And remember – people of all ages like a pleasant surprise. If you want to send a meaningful message to a friend or loved one, consider sending an eCard from Operation Eyesight. Your gift will put a smile on their face, and also help restore sight to older people in India and Africa, like these folks below.